More of the Same

I apologize if you came here looking for something new today. It’s more of the same from me.


Sunday we hosted the Student Welcome which I think of as ‘industrial grade cooking’. Instead of The Husband’s favorite kind of burgers with onion and other yummy things inside as well as layers of cheese, turkey, and green chiles on top, we served what I less than affectionately refer to as ‘Grease Burgers’. They come 40 to a box from Sam’s Club. 25% fat. I would never buy that for my family. But to feed 100 people one day out of the year, it probably won’t kill anyone. I hope. We also grilled some turkey dogs and a few Veggie Burgers. We served 88 Grease Burgers, 30 turkey dogs, and 5 Veggie Burgers. Next year I’ll want to know what those numbers were when I start to plan!

I didn’t take any pictures of the spread. It looked good, trust me. Several people brought side dishes like macaroni salad, broccoli salad, veggie plates, and I didn’t see all the other stuff. I made a veggie platter with grape tomatoes, carrots, and celery; Crystal came and made my fruit salad for me on Saturday, even though she doesn’t even like melon (how great a friend is that?!) but it was all safe for Susan; I had my plate of brownies, the plate of peanut butter, chocolate crinkle, and lemon with dried cherries cookies, and three fruit tarts. I only took pictures of two of them. Other people brought cookies, brownies, and cake. No one could complain they didn’t get anything to eat!


Tomorrow I make a meal for another new mom, so maybe there will be something interesting in that. As the fall season presses on, I’m sure to have the oven on more frequently! šŸ˜‰

4 Responses

  1. I would like to say that “more of the same” tasted very good to me. One of these days I will learn to like melons.

  2. You are amazing Melody! I wish I was more awake to help you out in the kitchen, but it seems like you have found a very good helper in Crystal! šŸ™‚ She is quite amazing, isn’t she? Well, both of you are.

    As the new year of Student Feast starts, I’m so amazed by your hospitality and generosity! I definitely see those gifts of the Spirit in you working mightily!

  3. Three cheers for Melody!

  4. WOW, your tarts are gorgeous! They are so pretty, I’d honestly hang pictures of them in my house. (They taste great, too…of course!)

    Student Feast was wonderful, as always. You bless so many people through your kindness and hospitality. My family included. šŸ™‚

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