Presto Pasta Night

Ruth at Once Upon A Feast has been hosting a weekly blog event called ‘Presto Pasta’, which always has a wide variety of great looking entries. Back when I was a single grad student, I could easily divide my meals between stir fry and pasta but since neither of those are the Husband’s favorites, I don’t cook them quite as often as my taste would prefer. I’ve cut back to pasta about once every two weeks, sometimes more frequently b/c pasta is my ‘lazy dish’ when I don’t feel like spending a lot of time in the kitchen.  “Presto Pasta” sounds sooo much better than ‘Lazy Linguine’!

Once of my favorites is linguine with clams. As Brilynn has been known to point out, everything is better with a little bacon and I especially like to add it to my clam dishes.

For this, I first browned about 6 oz of bacon, then sauteed onion and garlic in a bit of bacon grease, added two cans of minced clams, with juice.  I added basil and oregano and a few twists from the garlic pepper grinder.  I tossed the cooked linguine with the ‘sauce’ and served with a green salad and garlic bread.  Some people added a little grated Parmesan to their pasta.

2 Responses

  1. Who’d have thought you could make my favorite – clam pasta – even better. Great idea to add the bacon and what an absolutely great photo.

    Thanks so much for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.

  2. Thanks, Ruth! I love this event and it’s so nice of you to host even when you are doing the South Beach Diet.

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